The Research Cluster on Branding and Digital Development in Tourism (BRANNDIT) develops research lines focused on tourism (digital marketing, datamining, social media, design of digital brands, digital promotion in tourism, programming of mobile applications) fostering the emergence of projects for the design and development of multi-format and cross-platform digital strategies; BRANNDIT is open to the participation of all CiTUR members.
Mission: to carry out excellence in applied research and ensure the transfer of knowledge in the Digital Marketing, Branding and Brand Communication associated with tourism, in particular in the fields of strategic creation of new tourist brands, development of digital strategies for tourism promotion, and of communication strategies for brands, companies and entities that make the digital environment the scenario for their activity of providing services in tourism.
Goals: to build a transversal network of skills; to develop a research line in digital data monitoring, capable of generating actionable results used by companies and public entities, based on the information freely disseminated in the various platforms used by consumers of tourism products; to develop specific methodologies to gathering and analyzing data from digital platforms; to raise awareness of new statistical approaches to information exchange and consumer recommendations among group members; to implement and disseminate its own methodologies for the creation of digital tourism brands; to foster the linking of the digital tourism area with the master’s degrees, encouraging the emergence of ideas for theses and related projects, which can be presented to the second cycle finalists; to position itself as a provider of marketing and digital branding services to companies and tourism entities along diverse areas.