Publication of a technical scientific book
1. Abranja, N., Elias-Almeida, A.; & Almeida, M. (2020) Gestão Hoteleira: o produto, o serviço e as técnicas. LIDEL Edições Técnicas, Lisboa, ISBN:978-989-752-510-0.
2. Calisto, L., Costa, T., Umbelino, J., Afonso, V. & Nunes, C. 2020. Modelos de Governança Local para o Empreendedorismo em Turismo. ESHTE. P. 168. ISBN: 978-989-99955-6-7.
3. Gonçalves, A. R., Marques, J. F., Tavares, M., & Cabeça, S. M. (2020). Creative Tourism: The CREATOUR Recipe Book. CinTurs, University of Algarve. ISBN: 978-989-9023-12-3.
4. Motta, C., Morgado, Brandão, C., C., Laranjeiro, C., Lima, G., Santos, I., Guerra, M., Faro, M., Félix, N., & Fontes, T. (2020). Estratégias de redução de acrilamida e produtos de glicogenação avançada em pão. LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-024172. ESHTE. (e-book) Pp.8.
Publication of a chapter in a technical scientific book with Scopus indexing
1. Almeida, A. S. A. (2020) Rethinking Sustainable Tourism through Identity Decomposition: The Stratification of the Intensifying Factors of the Tourism Experience. In Dixit, S.K. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing, 464-472. Routledge.
2. Camacho, P., de Almeida, A., & António, N. (2020). Using Customer Segmentation to Build a Hybrid Recommendation Model. In J. V. Carvalho, A. Rocha, P. Liberato P., & A. Peña (Eds), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 299-308. Singapore: Springer.
3. Gonçalves, F., Martins, A. L., Ferreira, J. C., Marques, E., Andrade, M., Mota, L. (2020). Tourism Guidance Tracking and Safety Platform. In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 162-171. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-38821-8.
4. Lopes, T., & Silva, F. (2020). Responsible nature tourism development models: the case study of whale watching in the Azores. In IGI GLOBAL. M. Brito, A. Dias, & M. Patuleia (eds). Hershey, PA, USA. 113-131. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-7998-1522-8.ch007
5. Loureiro, S., Sarmento, E. & Rosário, J. (2020). Incorporating VR, AR, and Related Technologies in the Tourism Industry: State of the Art. In: Managerial Challenges and Social Impacts of Virtual and Augmented Reality. IGI Global. Loureiro, S. (ed). Pp 211-233.
6. Santos, M., Santos, C., Lousada, S., Silva, C. (2020). Innovación de producto turístico en Madeira, mediante metodología de Outdoor Training. Caso DEMA. Thomson Reuters – Aranzadi. ISBN: 978-84-1346-697-2.
7. Santos, R. (2020). Tourism, Emigration and Cooperation – A strategy to growth and sustainable development in CPLP. In Castanho, R., 192-215. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2513-5.
8. Santos, R.; Castanho, A. & Lousada, S. (2020). The Portuguese emigrants return and the impact over tourism development in rural areas. In Aliseda, J., Velaverde, J. y Serrano, J., 85-100, Reuters. ISBN: 978-84-1346-695-8.
9. Silva, F. A., & Lopes, T. A. (2020). Application of smart tourism to nature-based destinations. in: IGI GLOBAL. Carvalho, L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (eds). Hershey, PA, USA. 1-20. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch001
10. Silva, F., Almeida M. C., & Gonçalves. (2020). Products in maritime and costal tourism: the case of coasteering. in: IGI GLOBAL. M. Brito, A. Dias, & M. Patuleia (eds). Hershey, PA, USA. 187-203. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-7998-1522-8.ch011
Publication of a chapter in a technical scientific book
1. Abranja, N. (2020) The learning process of entrepreneurship in tourism higher education in Portugal: A case study. In Carvalho, L. C. et al., Strategic business models to support demand, supply, and destination management in the tourism and hospitality industry, 241-254. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch013.
2. Abrantes, J. (2020). O Airbnb como novo paradigma na distribuição turística e hoteleira. In: Inovação e Tecnologia: Uma Visão Multidisciplinar. Negas, M, Carvalho, L. E Sousa, I. (eds.) Edições Sílabo. Lisboa. Pp 163-176.
3. Abreu, Z. H. L. de, Machado, A. F., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Educação para a paz e a pedagogia social: Uma interface. Em Educação: Atualidade e Capacidade de Transformação do Conhecimento Gerado 7 (pp. 125–138). Atena Editora. 10.22533/at.ed.81420130811
4. Almeida, A. S. A. (2020) Turismo em ambientes alternativos: conceptualizações para uma visão integrada em torno do imaginário, da experiência e do destino turístico. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 14-34. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
5. Almeida, G. G. F. (2020). Análise das relações de poder no processo produtivo da marca territorial. In Talaska, A. & Thiele, P. P. (Ed.), Percursos teórico-metodológicos da construção de teses na área do desenvolvimento regional: da escolha das temáticas aos resultados e conclusões, 123-133. Instituto Federal Catarinense.
6. Almeida, N. (2020) Marketing e promoção dos destinos turísticos. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 115-133. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
7. Almeida, P. (2020) A imagem dos destinos turísticos. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 14-34. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
8. Amaral, M. (2020). Creative Tourism and Tourist Loyalty in Rural Tourism Enterprises: a case study in Alentejo. In S. M. Cabeça, A. R. Gonçalves, J. F., Marques, & M. Tavares (Eds.), Creative Tourism Dynamics: Connecting Travellers, Communties, Cultures, and Places, 29-48. Coimbra: Grácio Editor.
9. Araújo-Vila, N., Cardoso, L., Araújo, A., & Dias, F. (2020) Spanish and Portuguese MICE tourists’ profile. In Bari, M. W. et al., Accelerating knowledge sharing, creativity, and innovation through business tourism, 18-37. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3142-6.ch002.
10. Araújo-Vila, N., Cardoso, L., Toubes, D. R., & Pereira, A. M. (2020) Gamification as a Tool for Smart Tourism. In Rodrigues J., Cardoso, P., Monteiro, J., Ramos, C. (eds) Smart systems design, applications, and challenges, 363-385. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2112-0.ch018.
11. Azevedo, D., Sousa, B., & Santos, R. (2020). Segmentação e motivações para o turismo visit friends and relatives: desafios em contextos de pandemia. Em Turismo, Sociedade e Ambiente (pp. 61–76). Atena Editora.
12. Breda, Z., Costa, R., Dinis, G., & Martins, A. (2020). eWOM of guests regarding their hotel experience: Sentiment analysis of TripAdvisor reviews. In C. Ramos, C. Almeida, & P. Fernandes. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Media Applications for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector, 295-308. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
13. Breda, Z., Santos, A., Kliček, T., & Dinis, G. (2020). Profile, motivations, and experiences from Portuguese solo female travellers. In A. Pius, Husam H. Alharahsheh, & A. Adesanmi (Eds.), Contemporary Management Approaches to the Global Hospitality and Tourism Industry, 131-150. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
14. Cabeça, S. M., Gonçalves, A. R., Marques, J. F., & Tavares, M. (2020). Creative Tourism as an Inductor of Co-Creation Experiences: The Creatour Project in the Algarve. In P. Pinto, & M. Guerreiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destination, 269-285. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
15. Cadavez, C. (2020). “No princípio era o «património»: reflexões (possíveis) acerca dos significados e apropriações de «património»”. In: Museologia e Património – Volume 3 (eds.: A. Curcino, D. Alves, E. N. Duarte, F. P. O. Magalhães, J. A. D. Vicente, L. Brites, L. Costa, M. Gomes, S. Ramos). Leiria: Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais – Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Pp. 72-106. ISBN 978-989-8797-46-9.
16. Cardoso, A., & Sousa, B. (2020). The Theory of Attachment in Contexts of Public and Social Marketing: Study of the Program “Portugal Sou Eu”. Em D. Crowther & S. Seifi (Eds.), CSR and Sustainability in the Public Sector (pp. 95–110). Springer.
17. Carvalho, M. (2020) Os destinos turísticos e a sustentabilidade dos seus territórios. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 50-77. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
18. Carvalho, P. M. (2020). Determinantes das reuniões associativas internacionais: uma análise de dados em painel. Em Sistematizando Práticas para Administrar 2 (pp. 123–143). Atena Editora.
19. Carvalho, P. M. F. M. de. (2020). O destino turístico – um território como uma rede de relacionamentos. Em Turismo, Sociedade e Ambiente (pp. 1–14). Atena Editora.
20. Coelho, J. (2020) O TALC/IDT – ferramenta de gestão dos destinos turísticos. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 78-114. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
21. Correia, A. I., Sampaio, H. A., Fonseca, M. J., Marinho, S., & Carvalhido, R. (2020). Social Media and Sustainable Tourism Marketing: Perceptions of Owners of Leisure-Related Enterprises Operating Within Viana do Castelo Littoral Geopark (Northwest Portugal). Em A. Lubowiecki-Vikuk, B. M. B. de Sousa, B. M. Đerčan, & W. L. Filho (Eds.), Handbook of Sustainable Development and Leisure Services (pp. 303–318).
22. Costa, R., Dinis, G., & Seabra, R. (2020). Digital Marketing in Local Accommodation: The manager’s perspective. In C. Ramos, C. Almeida, & P. Fernandes. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Media Applications for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector, 334-348. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
23. Dinis, G., Breda, Z., & Barreiro, T. (2020). Digital marketing strategies of destination management organizations: An exploratory study. In L. C. Carvalho, L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, 266-285. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
24. Dinis, G., Lamy, S., & Guimarães, A. (2020). Representações do enoturismo na imprensa escrita (1998-2018) – o caso do jornal Público. In P. César, C. Henriques, V. Herédia, L. Varela, & M. Santos (Eds.), Gastronomia e Vinhos: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Turismo: Estudos de Caso – Brasil e Portugal, 251-269. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
25. Elias-Almeida, A. (2020) A qualidade do serviço turístico como fator diferenciador para a satisfação e o deleite do consumidor. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 134-153. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
26. Eurico, S. (2020) Recursos humanos e a empregabilidade dos destinos turísticos. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 178-192. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
27. Fernandes, Gonçalo & Natário, Manuela (2020). Entrepreneurship in Border Territories: Context Costs, Resilience, and Logics of Action of the Companies and Entrepreneurs – Study of the Border Municipalities of Beira Interior in Portugal and Salamanca in Spain. IGI Global. J. Dantas, & L. Carvalho (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1981-3.ch007.
28. Fernandes, G. (2020). Dynamics of Tourism Development and Resilience in the Medium Mountains of Portugal: Challenges for the Sustainable Management in Mountains of the Central Mountain Range. IGI Global. D. Kala, & S. Bagri (Eds.), Global Opportunities and Challenges for Rural and Mountain Tourism. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1302-6.ch015.
29. Fernandes, G. (2020). Tourist Cooperation in Mountain Destinations: Concepts, Positions, and Challenges in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park. IGI Global. L. Carvalho, L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch016.
30. Fernandes, P., Nunes, A., Veloso, C., Santos, E., Ferreira, F. A., & Fonseca, M. J. (2020). Outdoor solutions for the seasonal concentration of tourism demand in Northern Portugal: An integrated approach based on the Gini Index. Em C. R. de Almeida, A. Quintano, M. Simancas, R. Huete, & Z. Breda (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism (p. 16). IGI Global.
31. Ferreira, J. M., Sousa, B. B., & Gonçalves, F. B. (2020). Development of a Destination Through eTourism: Experience and Creativity. Em A. Hassan & A. Sharma (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality (pp. 181–193). Emerald Publishing Limited.
32. Ferreira, L., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Understanding the Role of Social Networks in Consumer Behavior in Tourism: A Business Approach. Em C. M. Q. Ramos, C. R. de Almeida, & P. O. Fernandes (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Media Applications for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector (understanding-the-role-of-social-networks-in-consumer-behavior-in-tourism; pp. 367–384). IGI Global.
33. Ferreira, M., & Dieguez, T. (2020). Revenue Management in Portugal: A Strategy to Compete. Em M. E. Korstanje, B. George, & A.-M. Nedelea (Eds.), Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Services (p. 25). IGI Global.
34. Fonseca, J. (2020) A fidelização aos destinos turísticos e seus determinantes. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 154-177. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
35. Gallardo-Vásquez, D., Costa, T., Valdez-Juàrez, L. (2020). A Bibliometric Study on Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs (pages 28-53), in: Brizeida R. Hernández-Sánchez, José C. Sánchez-García, and Antonio Carrizo Moreira (eds) Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society. USA: IGI Global. USA. p. 28-53.
36. Gonçalves, A. (2020). “Cultural languaging” in English for Tourism: Integrated Learning of Language and Intercultural Skills in Tourism Education in: Teaching English for Tourism. Bridging Research and Praxis. Ennis, M. & Petrie, G.(eds). Routledge. London & New York. Pp. 131-148.
37. Gonçalves, A. (2020). Gestão do Património Mundial e Turismo – Oportunidades e Desafios dos modelos de governança do património cultural imaterial: O estudo de caso da Dieta Mediterrânica no Destino Algarve. In C. Henriques, P. César, V. Herédia, & M. Moreira (Eds.), Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 616-639. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
38. Guerra, R.; Gonçalves, E..; Figueiredo, V. (2020). The management of partnerships between tourism and hospitality stakeholders: the case of the health and wellness product in Portugal. IGI Global. The role of tourism in achieving the sustainable development goals. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5691-7.
39. Guerra, R., Gonçalves, E., & Mendonça, J. P. (2020). Enoturismo e ‘Boas Práticas`. Uma aplicação ao Vale do Douro. In A. Guerreiro, A. Maduro, E. Gonçalves & J. Custódio (Eds.), Enomemórias & Enoturismo. O Património Secular do Vinho. História, Tradição, Identidades, 291-309. Edições ISMAI e MVA. ISBN 978-989-96753-4-6.
40. Gustavo, N. & Belo, M. (2020). The Potential of Dark Immersive Theatre Experiences as a Tourism Product: The Case of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. In: Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IGI GLOBAL. Pennsylvania. Pp. 70-89. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch004
41. Gustavo, N. & Fonseca, P. (2020). Trends in Digital Marketing Capable of Attracting Millennials: Impact of Instagrammers on Consumer Travel Behavior. In: Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IGI GLOBAL. Pennsylvania. Pp: 21-49. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch002
42. Gustavo, N., Uvinha, R., Vico, R. (2020). Reflexões sobre os megaeventos esportivos na perceção da população local anfitriã. In: O Olhar do Residente. Editora da UFRN. Pp: 217-247. https://doi.978-65-5569-047-7
43. Henriques, C. (2020). Amazónia como património cultural: viagens pelo Paraíso. In C. Henriques, P. César, V. Herédia, & M. Moreira (Eds.), Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 578-603. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
44. Henriques, C. (2020). Lisbon Historic Quarters: Identity vs. Overtourism. In C. R. de Almeida, A. Quintano, M. Simancas, R. Huete, & Z. Breda (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism, 285-301. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
45. Henriques, C., & Teotónio, I. (2020). Tourists’ Awareness of World Heritage: The Case of Tourists Visiting the Algarve (Portugal). In P. Pinto, & M. Guerreiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destination, 249-268. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
46. Leitão, I. 2020. Itinerários literário-culturais pela paisagem do Alto Douro Vinhateiro. In: Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Patrimônio da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano. EDUCS – Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. 532-560. ISBN 978-65-5108-012-8,
47. Liberato, D., Liberato, P., & Álen, E. (2020). Border Tourism: An Opportunity for the Dry Line Region, Northern Portugal and Galicia. Em C. Sarmento & S. C. Pascoal (Eds.), Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal (pp. 123–147). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
48. Lima Santos, L., Gomes, C., & Malheiros, C. (2020). Achieving a competitive management in micro and small independent hotels. In Teixeira, S. J., & Ferreira, J. M. (Ed.), Multilevel approach to competitiveness in the global tourism industry, 229-255. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-0365-2.ch014.
49. Loureiro, S., & Sousa, B. (2020). O turismo acessível como diferencial competitivo: O Caso da Cidade de Barcelos (Portugal). Em Perspectivas da Gestão em Turismo e Hotelaria II (pp. 361–396). CCTA Editora.
50. Machado, V., & Henriques, C. (2020). Turismo e Património Mundial Lisboa-Rio de Janeiro: Regularidades Urbanas num Império Comercial. In C. Henriques, P. César, V. Herédia, & M. Moreira (Eds.), Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 387-413. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
51. Matias, M. F., & Martins, A. I., Rebelo, S. (2020). Business Performance Valuation and Value Creation. In G. Andraz, H. Carrasqueira, R. Pereira, & R. Baleiro (Eds.), Dynamic Strategic Thinking for Improved Competitiveness and Performance, 185-215. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
52. Oliveira, V. (2020) A Importância do meio ambiente na escolha de um destino turístico. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 35-49. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
53. Pires, A. (2020) Fado, pastéis de bacalhau e Douro: relações entre identidade, património e turismo no filme A Gaiola Dourada. In Pires, A. P.; Cadavez, C. & Henriques, J. M. (eds) Turismo: História, Património e Ideologia: diálogos e memórias, 293-302. Câmara Municipal de Cascais e Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ISBN 978-972-637-607-0.
54. Ramos, E., Umbelino, J., Jorge. L.M (2020). Tauromaquias Populares, Realidade e Identidade. In Pires, A. P.; Cadavez, C. & Henriques, J. M. (eds) Turismo: História, Património e Ideologia: diálogos e memórias. 319-337. Câmara Municipal de Cascais e Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-637-307-0.
55. Ribeiro, F. P., António, N., & Correia, M. B. (2020). Uma abordagem metodológica para a análise comparativa de comentários de viagens online de duas cidades património mundial da UNESCO – Coimbra (Portugal) e Salamanca (Espanha). In C. Henriques, P. César, V. Herédia, & M. Moreira (Eds.), Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 335-362. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
56. Sánchez, M. B., & Sousa, B. (2020). O dark tourism e a perspectiva cultural no marketing dos tempos modernos. Em Turismo, Sociedade e Ambiente (pp. 158–171). Atena Editora.
57. Santos, E. & Joaquim, G. (2020). “Artists, Cities and Tourism: The case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area”. In: Luisa Cagica, Lurdes Calisto, Nuno Gustavo (Ed.) Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IGI Global. Hershey, PA. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4.ch003
58. Santos, M., Silva, J., & Henriques, C. (2020). Imagens do Enoturismo entre a Tradição e a Inovação. In P. César, C. Henriques, V. Herédia, L. Varela, & M. Santos (Eds.), Gastronomia e Vinhos: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Turismo: Estudos de Caso – Brasil e Portugal, 291-314. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS.
59. Silva, G., Correia, A. I., Vieira, E., & Soares, L. A. (2020). Perceived Impacts of Running Events in Protected Areas: The Case of Trans Peneda-Gerês at Peneda Gerês National Park, Portugal. Em C. R. de Almeida, A. Quintano, M. Simancas, R. Huete, & Z. Breda (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism (pp. 347–363). IGI Global.
60. Sousa, B. B., & Teixeira, A. M. (2020). Integrated Marketing Communications in Contexts of Eco Tours in Porto (Portugal): Challenges (Post) Covid-19. Em COVID-19 – Reshaping Marketing and Communications (Ljupka Naumovska, pp. 1–11). Proud Pen.
61. Sousa, B., & Magalhães, F. (2020). Entrepreneurship and University Brands: The Sense of Belonging in Higher Education. Em J. Leitão, V. Ratten, & J. Barroca (Eds.), A Guide to Planning and Managing Open Innovative Ecosystems (pp. 57–66). Emerald Publishing Limited.
62. Tavares, O., Breda, Z., Costa, R., & Dinis, G. (2020). Perspectives on female entrepreneurship in rural areas: The role of women in tourism companies in Sever do Vouga, Portugal. In J. G. Dantas, & L. C. Carvalho (Eds.), Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities, 333-352. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
63. Viana, A. S. (2020) Os destinos turísticos e a sustentabilidade hoteleira. In Almeida, P. (eds) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos, 193-208. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
Coordination of a technical scientific book
1. Mota, L. (2020). Uma Cozinha Da Madeira Inovação e Tradição. Ponteeditora. ISBN 978 – 989 – 99820 – 3 – 1.
2. Costa, T., Lisboa, I. & Teixeira, N. (2020). Handbook of Research on Reinventing Economies and Organizations Following a Global Health Crisis. IGI-GLOBAL. USA. (ongoing).
3. Gustavo, N., Cagica, L., Calisto., L (2020). Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IGI GLOBAL. Pennsylvania. https://doi.10.4018/978-1-5225-9936-4
4. Pires, A., Cadavez, C. & Henriques, J. (2020). Turismo: história, património e ideologia. Diálogos e memórias. Câmara Municipal de Cascais e Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Pp 436.
5. Andraz, G., Carrasqueira, H., Pereira, R. & Baleiro, R. (2020). Dynamic Strategic Thinking for Improved Competitiveness and Performance. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN 9781799845522.
6. César, P., Henriques, C., Herédia, V., Varela, L., & Santos, M. (2020). Gastronomia e Vinhos: Contributos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Turismo: Estudos de Caso – Brasil e Portugal. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS. ISBN 9786551080128.
7. Henriques, C., César, P., Herédia, V., & Moreira, M. (2020). Turismo e História – Perspetivas sobre o Património da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS. ISBN 9786551080128.
8. Almeida, P. (2020) Gestão de Destinos Turísticos. Politécnico de Leiria. ISBN 978-989-54819-1-0.
9. Rodrigues, S., Almeida, P., & Almeida, N. (2020). Mapping, managing, and crafting sustainable business strategies for the circular economy. IGI-Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9885-5.
Publication of articles in an internationally circulated journal with scientific review
Publication in a journal with WoS JCR indexing (1st and 2nd quartile)
Alves, P., Santos, V., Reis, I., Martinho, F., Martinho, D., Correia Sampaio, M., & Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2020). Strategic Talent Management: The Impact of Employer Branding on the Affective Commitment of Employees. Sustainability, 12(23), 9993. https://doi:10.3390/su12239993.
2. Amaro, S., Barroco, C., Antunes, J. (2020). Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of destination brand love. Journal of Product and Brand Management.
3. Antonio, N., Correia, M. B., & Ribeiro, F. P. (2020). Exploring user-generated content for improving destination knowledge: The case of two world heritage cities. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(22), 1–19.
4. Araújo-Vila, N., Cardoso, L., & Toubes, D. R. (2020). Occupational Risk Prevention in the Management of Companies in the Electricity Sector. The case of Galicia (Spain). Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 79, 30-34.
5. Araújo-Vila, N., Cardoso, L., Toubes, D. R., & Fraiz-Brea, J. A. (2020). Digital Competence in Spanish University Education and Its Use by Students. Publications, 8(4), 47. doi:10.3390/publications8040047.
6. Cardoso, L., Silva, R., Almeida, G. G. F., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). A Bibliometric Model to Analyze Country Research Performance: SciVal Topic Prominence Approach in Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality. Sustainability, 12(23), 9897. doi:10.3390/su12239897.
7. Carreira, L., Castelo, P.M., Simões, C., Capela-Silva, F., Viegas, C., & Lamy, E. (2020). Changes in salivary proteome in response to bread odour. Nutrients. 12(4): 1002-17.
8. Casado-Molina, A.-M., Ramos, C. M. Q., Rojas-de-Gracia, M.-M., & Peláez Sánchez, J. I. (2020). Reputational intelligence: innovating brand management through social media data. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 120(1), 40–56.
9. Casais, B., & Sousa, B. (2020). Heterogeneity of motivations and conflicts in pilgrim-to-pilgrim interaction: A research on the way of Saint James. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36, 100748.
10. Clemente, F., Lopes, A., & Ambrósio, V. (2020). Tourist’s Perception on Climate Change in Lisbon Region. Atmosphere. 11 (03): 297 (01-13). https://doi.10.3390/atmos11030297
11. Espigares-Jurado, F., Muñoz-Leiva, F., Correia, M. B., Sousa, C. M. R., Ramos, C. M. Q., & Faísca, L. (2020). Visual attention to the main image of a hotel website based on its position, type of navigation and belonging to Millennial generation: An eye tracking study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52.
12. Iglesias-Sánchez, P. P., Correia, M. B., Jambrino-Maldonado, C., & de las Heras-Pedrosa, C. (2020). Instagram as a co-creation space for tourist destination image-building: Algarve and costa del sol case studies. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(7), 1–26.
13. Lima Santos, L., Cardoso, L., Araújo-Vila, N., & Fraiz-Brea, J. A. (2020). Sustainability Perceptions in Tourism and Hospitality: A Mixed-Method Bibliometric Approach. Sustainability, 12(21), 8852. doi:10.3390/su12218852
14. Madeira, A., Palrão, T., & Mendes, A. S. (2020). The Impact of Pandemic Crisis on the Restaurant Business. Sustainability, 13(1), 40. doi:10.3390/su13010040.
15. Napierała, T., Leśniewska-Napierała, K., & Burski, R. (2020). Impact of Geographic Distribution of COVID-19 Cases on Hotels’ Performances: Case of Polish Cities. Sustainability, 12(11), 4697. doi:10.3390/su12114697.
16. Passagem, N., Crespo, C. F., & Almeida, N. (2020). The Impact of Country of Origin on Brand Equity: An Analysis of The Wine Sector. Wine Economics and Policy 9(2): 63-81. doi:10.36253/web-8407.
17. Remoaldo, P., Serra, J., Marujo, N., Alves, J., Gonçalves, A., Cabeça, S., & Duxbury, N. (2020). Profiling the participants in creative tourism activities: Case studies from small and medium sized cities and rural areas from Continental Portugal. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36(September), 100746.
18. Reyes-Menendez, A., Correia, M. B., & Matos, N. (2020). Understanding online consumer behavior and ewom strategies for sustainable business management in the tourism industry. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–14.
19. Rocha, A. & Viegas, C. (2020). KIMEHS—Proposal of an Index for Qualitative Evaluation of Children’s Menus—A Pilot Study. Foods. 9(11): 1-12.
20. Salinas Fernández, J. A., Serdeira Azevedo, P., Martín Martín, J. M., & Rodríguez Martín, J. A. (2020). Determinants of tourism destination competitiveness in the countries most visited by international tourists: Proposal of a synthetic index. Tourism Management Perspectives, 33(September 2019), 100582.
21. Santos, V., Ramos, P., Almeida, N., & Santos-Pavón, E. (2020). Developing a Wine Experience Scale: A New Strategy to Measure Holistic Behaviour of Wine Tourists. Sustainability, 12(19), 8055. doi:10.3390/su12198055.
Santos, V., Ramos, P., Almeida, N., Marôco J., & Santos-Pavón, E. (2020) Wine tourist profiling in the Porto wine cellars: segmentation based on wine product involvement, Anatolia, 31(4), 577-590, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2020.1802308.
23. Soler, I. P., Gemar, G., & Correia, M. B. (2020). The climate index-length of stay nexus. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(9), 1272–1289.
24. Torkington, K., & Ribeiro, F. P. (2020). Whose right to the city? An analysis of the mediatized politics of place surrounding alojamento local issues in Lisbon and Porto. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 0(0), 1–20.
25. Torkington, K., Stanford, D., & Guiver, J. (2020). Discourse(s) of growth and sustainability in national tourism policy documents. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(7), 1041–1062.
Publication in a WoS journal with JCR indexing (3rd and 4th quartile)
1. Felgueira, T., & Rodrigues, R. G. (2020). I-ENTRE-U: an individual entrepreneurial orientation scale for teachers and researchers in higher education institutions. Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Vol. 17, pp. 1-20.
2. Serrano, C., Sapata, M., Oliveira, M.C., Gerardo, A. & Viegas, C. (2020). Encapsulation of oleoresins for salt reduction in food. Acta Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment. 19(1): 1-15.
3. Vega Gómez, F., Miranda González, F., Pérez Mayo, J., & Almeida, P. (2020). La transferencia tecnológica de los académicos en Portugal: intenciones emprendedoras y creación de USO. Revista Espacios, 41(23), 81-94,
4. Viegas, C., Lima, J.P., Afonso, C., Rocha, A., & Mateus. (2020). Oferta Alimentar de Menus Infantis em Restaurantes de Centros Comerciais Portugueses: Estudo qualitativo. Ata Portuguesa de Nutrição. 21: 10-14.
Publication in a journal with SJR indexing (1st and 2nd quartile) from Scopus
1. Amaro, S., Morgado Ferreira, B., Henriques, C. (2020). Towards a deeper understanding of the purchase of souvenirs. Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol. 20, pp.223-236.
2. Ambrósio, V. (2020). A Shared Pilgrimage Road in Israel and Palestine: From Utopia to Reality. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages. 08 (vi): 48-58.
Andreu, L., Bigne, E., Amaro, S., Palomo, J. (2020). Airbnb research: an analysis in tourism and hospitality journals. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, vol.14, pp. 2-20.
4. António, N., & Rita, P. (2020). March 2020: 31 days that will reshape tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 0(0), 1–16.
5. Barroco, C., Amaro, S. (2020). Examining the progress of the Dão wine route wineries’ websites. Journal of Tourism and Development, vol.33, pp. 29-40.
6. Barros, J., Barroco, C., Amaro, S., Balsa, R. (2020). Creating a diary of gastronomy experiences “a taste of viseu”: A case study. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacão, E36, pp. 372-386.
7. Dinis, M. G., Eusébio, C., & Breda, Z. (2020). Assessing social media accessibility: the case of the Rock in Rio Lisboa music festival. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 11(1), 26–46.
8. Franco, M., & Meneses, R. (2020), “The proximity between Latin countries regarding customer’s expectations about the hotel service”, EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
9. Fernandes, G., Castro, E., & Gomes, H. (2020). WATER RESOURCES AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN ESTRELA GEOPARK TERRITORY: MEANING AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF FLUVIAL BEACHES TO VALORISE THE DESTINATION. European Contruyside, n.º4, vol. 12, pp. 551-667. DOI: 10.2478/euco-2020-0029.
10. Gonçalves, P., Antunes, J. & Barroco, C. (2020). Estudo das (des)motivações para a prática de Turismo em Espaço Rural: o caso da Região Centro de Portugal. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacão, E36, pp. 496-511.
11. Iglesias-Sánchez, P. P., López-Delgado, P., Correia, M. B., & Jambrino-Maldonado, C. (2020). How do external openness and R&D activity influence open innovation management and the potential contribution of social media in the tourism and hospitality industry? Information Technology and Tourism, 22(2).
12. Machado, M. J. & Catarina, N. (2020). Performance evaluation methods in the services sector: empirical study in hotels. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 37, 2: 220-240. https://doi.10.1504/ijsom.2020.10017567
13. Melo, R., Van Rheenen, D., & Gammon, S. J. (2020). Part II: Nature sports: current trends and the path ahead. Annals of Leisure Research, 23(2), 133–142.
14. Melo, R., Van Rheenen, D., & James Gammon, S. (2020). Part I: Nature sports: a unifying concept. Annals of Leisure Research, 23(1), 1–18.
15. Nunes, C. & Machado, M. J. (2020). Benchmarking in the hotel industry: the use of USALI. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking. 10, 3: 382. https://doi.10.1504/ijpmb.2020.10027024
16. Quinteiro, S., Carreira, V. & Rodrigues Gonçalves, A. (2020), “Coimbra as a literary tourism destination: landscapes of literature”, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 361-372.
17. Rita, P., & António, N. (2020). Promotion of inclusive tourism by national destination management organizations. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 12(6), 701–714.
18. Roseta, P., Sousa, B. B., & Roseta, L. (2020). Determiners in the Consumer’s Purchase Decision Process in Ecotourism Contexts: A Portuguese Case Study. Geosciences, 10(6), 224.
19. Sousa, B; Santos, R. and Azevedo, D. (2020). The role of attachment in emigrants tourism destination choice: a perspective on ethnic tourism. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 1 (10), 1-27,
20. Torkington, K., Ribeiro, F. P., & Romero, L. L. (2020). The role of locally-produced foreign-language media in the migration experiences of lifestyle migrants in the Algarve. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 2020(54), 59–73.
21. Vareiro, L., Sousa, B. B., & Silva, S. S. (2020). The importance of museums in the tourist development and the motivations of their visitors: An analysis of the Costume Museum in Viana do Castelo. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 11(1), 39–57.
22. Vieira, C. B., & Sousa, B. (2020). The brand attachment and consumer behaviour in sports marketing contexts: The case of football fans in Portugal. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 20(1/2), 29–46.
Publication in a journal indexed SJR (3rd and 4th quartile) by Scopus
1. Almeida, Â., Cardoso, L., & Araújo-Vila, N. (2020). La imagen Top of Mind de un Destino Turístico durante un Mega-evento. El Caso de Viana do Castelo y el Festival Vodafone Paredes de Coura. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 5(2), 256-271.
2. Amorim, D., Jiménez-Caballero, J., & Almeida, P. (2020). The impact of performing arts festivals on tourism development: Analysis of participants’ motivation, quality, satisfaction and loyalty. Tourism & Management Studies, 16(4), 45-57,
3. Andrade, H., Breda, Z., & Dinis, G. (2020). Existe preconceito sexual em relação à comunidade LGBTQ no município do Porto? Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 0(33), 61–76.
4. Antonio, N., de Almeida, A., & Nunes, L. (2020). A hotel’s customers personal, behavioral, demographic, and geographic dataset from Lisbon, Portugal (2015–2018). Data in Brief, 33, 106583.
5. Caldas, M. I., Sampaio, H. A., Sousa, B. B., & Machado, H. A. (2020). O papel da tecnologia na monitorização de boas práticas para o Turismo Acessível na cidade de Braga (Portugal). RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 34, 309–320.
6. Cardoso, L., Araújo-Vila, N. (2020). Experiencia turística y autenticidad: análisis de framings del vídeo promocional “¡Corumbá increíble!”. Turismo: Estudos & Práticas 9(2), 1-18.
7. Cardoso, L., Araújo-Vila, N., Araújo, A. F., Perinotto, A., & Dias, F. (2020). Destination brand Gnosis (dbgnosis): An innovative tool for tourism research. Turismo: Estudos & Práticas 9(2), 1-17.
8. Cunha, C., Mendonça, V., Morais, E., Fernandes, J., & Letra, I. (2020). Using Mobile Devices and Apps to Assist Elder Population in Rural Areas and Generate Business Opportunities. IBIMA Business Review, Vol. 13, pp. 1-14.
9. de Matos, N., Correia, M. B., Saura, J. R., Reyes-Menendez, A., & Baptista, N. (2020). Marketing in the public sector-benefits and barriers: A bibliometric study from 1931 to 2020. Social Sciences, 9(10).
10. Dieguez, T., & Ferreira, F. A. (2020). Tourist of The North Portugal Region and Local Accommodation: Influences and Motivations. IBIMA Business Review, 2020.
11. Ferraz, J., Ferreira, C.M. & Serpa, S. (2020). Social Space of Health and Health Tourism: The Children’s Bathing Colony “O Século”. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 10 (3), 70-84.
12. Ferreira, F. A., Ferreira, F., & Bode, O. R. (2021). Licensing under Cournot vs Bertrand competition. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(1), 1651–1675.
13. Leśniewska-Napierała, K., Napierała, T., Tjørve, K. M., & Tjørve, E. (2020). A ‘contest’ as a pedagogical method in tourism higher education: A case study in teaching creativity through problem-solving. Turyzm/Tourism, 30(1), 43-52.
Liberato, D., Alén, E., & Liberato, P. (2020). North of Portugal and Galicia (Spain) as Tourism Destinations: Residents’ Evaluation. IBIMA Business Review, 12.
15. Liberato, P., Aires, C., & Liberato, D. (2020). Uso da tecnologia e avaliação da satisfação relativamente ao destino turístico pela Geração Z – ProQuest. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 36, 556–576.
16. Machado, A., Nogueira, S., & Sousa, B. (2020). Semiótica e e-branding em comunicação de turismo: Estudo das capas de revistas digitais no período pandémico Covid-19. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 34, 293–308.
17. Magalhães, D. T., Veloso, C. M., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Lealdade dos hóspedes nacionais: Um estudo aplicado à Hotelaria do Douro. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 34, 191–207.
18. Mata, C., & Carvalhinho, L. (2020). Seguridad y gestión del riesgo en el deporte al aire libre – revisión sistemática exploratoria. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana De Ciencias Del Deporte, 9(1), 59-64.
19. Mira, M. do R. C., Mónico, L. dos S., Breda, Z. M. de J., & Moura, A. F. A. (2020). Quality in Tourism From The Perspective of Local Portuguese Public Decision-Makers: A Case Study of Portugal’s Centro Region. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 1(56), 19–41.
20. Molho, C. R., Sousa, B. B., & Vilhena, E. (2020). O papel das comunicações integradas de marketing no valor de uma marca: Uma abordagem exploratória. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 34, 206–218.
21. Monteiro, B., Santos, V., Reis, I., Sampaio, M. C., Sousa, B., Martinho, F., José Sousa, M., & Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2020). Employer Branding Applied to SMEs: A Pioneering Model Proposal for Attracting and Retaining Talent. Information, 11(12), 574.
22. Morais, F. C., & Moura, A. A. (2020). Voluntariado, associativismo e turismo:um debate a partir das organizações no terreno. Revista Gestão e Desenvolvimento, 17(3), 133–164.
Pereira, T., & Ferreira, F. A. (2020). An ERP selection using a hybrid methodology. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 20(3), 689–695.
24. Rachão, S. A. S., Breda, Z., Fernandes, C., & Joukes, V. (2020). Food-and-wine experiences towards co-creation in tourism. Tourism Review, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
25. Rachão, S., Breda, Z., Fernandes, C., & Joukes, V. (2020). Cocreation of tourism experiences: Are food-related activities being explored? British Food Journal, 122(3), 910–928.
26. Ribeiro, R., Dias, F. & Almeida, A. S. A. (2020). Fatores Intensificadores da Experiência Turística: O Caso do Mercado Medieval de Óbidos, Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 53, 35-54.
27. Roque, V., Raposo, R., Morais, S., & Roque, F. (2020). Online Learning During Covid-19 Outbreak: The Portuguese Higher Education Experience. Gaceta Sanitaria, vol.34, pp. 314-315.
28. Santana, L., Cardoso, L., Araújo-Vila, N., & Araújo, A. F. (2020). A Imagem Cognitiva do Destino Turístico: O caso da cidade do Porto. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media. 8(14), 4-22.
29. Soares, D. B., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). O papel da comunicação digital na mudança de comportamentos dos cidadãos em benefício da comunidade local. RISTI – Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 34, 91–105.
30. Sousa, B. B., & Quesado, P. R. (2020). A segmentação de mercado e os custos organizacionais: Uma abordagem ao Agroturismo. Custos e @gronegócio, 16(2), 22–37.
31. Sousa, B. B., Silva, M. S., & Veloso, C. M. (2020). The Quality of Communication and Fake News in Tourism: A Segmented Perspective. Quality – Access to Success, 21(179), 101–105.
32. Sousa, B., Santos, R., & Azevedo, D. (2020). The role of attachment in emigrants tourism destination choice: a perspective on ethnic tourism. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 10(1), 1–27.
33. Veloso, C. M., Daniel, M., Sousa, B. B., & Carvalho, J. L. (2020). Meassevuring E-Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty of Customer in the Online Channel of the Modern Retail. IBIMA Publishing, 2020, 15.
Publication in other international journals
1. Almeida, A. S. A. (2020). Envolvimento comunitário em ilhas de pequena dimensão e desenvolvimento turístico – o caso da Ilha do Corvo, Açores, Portugal. Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo, 10 (1), 153-171. doi:10.2436/20.8070.01.171.
2. Almeida, G. G. F., & Felippi, A. (2020). Marcas e place branding na articulação com o desenvolvimento territorial. Revista Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Regional, 8(3), 171-196.
3. Almeida, P. (2020). Consequências da Pandemia nas três dimensões da missão do Ensino Superior: ensino, investigação e ligação à comunidade. Alameda: Revista de Educação, Artes e Ciência, 6, 76-81.
4. Amorim, D., Jiménez-Caballero, J., & Almeida, P. (2020). Mini review of paper motivation and tourists’ loyalty in performing arts festivals: the mediator role of quality and satisfaction. International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management, 2(3), 317-323,
5. Barros, C. L., & Sousa, B. M. (2019). A gestão e a discriminação de preços em contextos organizacionais: Contributo teórico numa perspetiva turística. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, 6(1), Article 1.
6. Caicedo-Barreth, A., Pavón, E. S., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). Competitiveness of Guayaquil towards bleisure tourism, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10(2), 118-133.
7. Campos, F., Gomes, C., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). Análise comparativa do USALI, USAR e USFRS. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 14(1), 91-113.
8. Carrera, C., Gomes, C., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). Avaliação das empresas hoteleiras em função do VAL. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 15(1), 12-39.
9. Carvalho, P. M. (2020). Um modelo conceptual para a cocriação de valor do turista: Uma abordagem exploratória. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 38, 89–104.
10. Costa, A.; Antunes, J. & Barroco, C. (2020). El Triángulo Dorado del Enoturismo: conocer, crear y comunicar. El caso de la región del Duero. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, vol. 3, n.3, pp. 317-338.
11. Costa, T., Umbelino, J., Calisto, L., Nunes, C. & Afonso, V. (2020). Impacts of Tourism and Residents’ Perceptions: A Study in the Regional Tourism Area of Lisbon. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10(1), 28-40.
Costa, V., Moura, A., Mira, M. do R., Cerdeiras, A., Cruz, I. P. da, Pereira, J. F., Martins, I. S., Conceição, O., Vilaça, A., Almeida, C., & Carrança, P. (2019). HC Tourism. Profile and Trends of Human Capital in the Tourism Sector. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 9(2), 40–51.
13. Daniel, A & Fernandes. G. (2020). A Importância do Turismo e o Impacto da Pandemia COVID-19. Revista de la Asociación Espanola de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas, nº 132, pp. 28-30.
14. Dias F., Sawant M., Cardoso L., & Saraswati, A. K. (2020). Mapping Dream and Favourite Destinations’ Perceptions: The Indian Tourists’ Brands Spatial Scales. Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal, 1, 47-75.
15. Dieguez, T. (2020). Tourism marketing strategies during covid19 pandemic iran a case study analysis| International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5(9), 1492–1496.
16. Dinis, G., Breda, Z., & Barreiro, T. (2020). O marketing de influência: Uma revisão da literatura. Revista Aprender, 40, 66–76.
17. Fernando, C., Lopes, H., Noite, J., Rodrigues, A., Vieira, S., Alves, R. & Prudente, J. (2020). Mountain hikes and Levada Practitioner’s motivation and experience – Characterization. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10 (1), 74-82. DOI:
18. Franco, M. & Meneses, R. (2020). The Influence of Culture in Customers’ Expectations about the Hotel Service in Latin Countries with Different Human Development Levels. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10 (1), 56-73.
19. Igreja, C., Silva, T., & Sousa, B. (2020). Compreendendo a qualidade do serviço em contextos específicos do enoturismo: Um estudo exploratório. European Journal of Applied Business Management, IWTHM Special Issue, 42–54.
20. Júnior, E., Roesler, D. A., & Almeida, G. G. F. (2020): Práticas de agricultura familiar na Amazônia Legal, Brasil. Revista Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales. No. October.
21. Lima Santos L., Malheiros C., Gomes C., & Guerra, T. (2020) TRevPAR as Hotels Performance Evaluation Indicator and Influencing Factors in Portugal. Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal, 1, 93-105.
Lopes, E. R. & Cardoso, M. (2020). Museu, turismo e educação patrimonial: um estudo de caso. O Ideário Patrimonial, 14, 236-248.
23. Lopes, E. R. & Simões, J.T. (2020). Turismo Cultural e Actividade(s) Museológicas. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 3 (4), 107-119.
24. Lubowiecki-Vikuk, A., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Consumer Behaviour of Silver Singles on the E-Tourist Market. Problemy Zarządzania (Management Issues), 18(1), 159–176.
25. Machado, A. F., Sousa, B. B., & Abreu, Z. (2020). O marketing de lugares e a dinamização do turismo pedagógico: um estudo de caso. Revista Americana de Empreendedorismo e Inovação, 2(3), 142–154.
26. Machado, A., Machado, C., Moreira, F.J., Reis, J., Aurindo, M.J., Almeida, M.M. & Faria, R. (2020). Story Map Caminhos d’O Conspirador: Um percurso literário na vila de Marvão com Branquinho da Fonseca. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal. 37: 88-105.
27. Malheiro, M. A., Costa, M. A., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Web 2.0 Technologies and Banking Management: The Portuguese context. Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities, 2020, 8.
28. Malheiro, M. A., Sousa, B., & Dieguez, T. (2020). O papel da liderança em contextos específicos de marketing socialmente responsável. Latin American Journal of Business Management, 11(1), Article 1.
29. Marques, D. & Almeida, A. S. A. (2020) A Animação Turística como fator de diversificação da oferta de destinos sazonais – o caso de Fátima, Portugal. Revista Práticas de Animação, 13, 23-40.
30. Melo, C., Milheiro, E., Dinis, G., Rodrigues, E., Pinheiro, L., Proença, A., & Moraes, P. (2020). O Turismo em Portalegre: Caracterização da procura e da oferta e perspetivas de desenvolvimento.
31. Milheiro, E. (2020). O Turismo Literário como elemento valorizador do Património Cultural de Portalegre. Revista Aprender, 40, 100–116.
32. Napierała, T., & Birdir, K. (2020). Competition in Hotel Industry: Theory, Evidence and Business Practice, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10(3), 200-202.
Napierała, T., Bahar, M., Leśniewska-Napierała, K., & Topsakal, Y. (2020). Technology towards hotel competitiveness: Case of Antalya, Turkey, European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10(3), 262-273.
34. Oliveira, A. S., Renda, A. I., & Correia, M. B. (2020). Online reviews: A pathway to improve hotel management. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 36(2020), 108–126.
35. Procopiak, R. K., Almeida, C. R., & Renda, A. I. (2020). Medieval Tourism Events in The Iberia Peninsula. 10(2), 29–40.
36. Prudente, J., Lopes, H., Noite, J., Rodrigues, A., Vieira, S., Alves, R. & Fernando, C. (2020). Hikes and Levadas in Madeira: Characterizing Visitors and their experience. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 10 (2), 154-164. DOI:
37. Ribeiro, L.; Gonçalves, E.; Guerra, R. (2020). The importance of qualification of the human resources in tourism: a study applied to travel agents in Portugal. PASOS. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. DOI: 10.25145/j.pasos.2020.18.047.
38. Rodrigues, A. I., & Amaral, M. (2020). From observations and pictures to images: Learning Lab@PP2 in tourism classes. Qualitative Report, 25(13), 104–118.
39. Rodrigues, J. (2020). Literatura de turismo sobre o Algarve: O caso dos romances de Rolf Osang. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 37(2020), 36–50.
40. Rosa, A. A. da, Gonçalves, J., & Sousa, B. B. (2020). Geração das marcas das cidades do Mindelo e da Praia – Cabo Verde: contributo para o turismo. Revista Americana de Empreendedorismo e Inovação, 2(3), 75–85.
41. Salgado, M., Ramos, E., & Martins, J. A. (2020). Património cultural no vale do Alva: grande rota do Alva. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, Vol. 3, pp. 259-278.
42. Santos, H. & Calisto, M. (2020). Infraestruturas desportivas hoteleiras: as preferências dos viajantes. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal. 14(1): 114-133.
43. Santos, E., Correia, A. I., Ferreira, F. A., Nunes, A. M., Veloso, C. M., Vieira, E., Silva, G., Fonseca, M., Carrança, P., & Fernandes, P. O. (2020). Productivity Measurement: The Case of Nature Tourism Firms in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(4), 331–346.
Saura, J., Reyes-Menendez, A., Matos, N., Correia, M., & Palos-Sanchez, P. (2020). Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(3), 190–196.
45. Soares, J. & Nunes, N. (2020). Levada Walks and Canyoning as Mountain. European Journal of Tourism, 10 (1), 41-55.
46. Sousa, B. B., & Anjo, A. M. (2020). Literatura e turismo no digital: O caso de Lisboa e Fernando Pessoa. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 7(2), 185–201.
47. Sousa, B. B., & Sánchez, M. B. (2020). A diferenciação dos territórios e a valorização cultural: Abordagem ao turismo idiomático. ReDiPE: Revista Diálogos e Perspectivas em Educação, 2(2), 229–240.
48. Sousa, B. B., Dieguez, T., & Gomes, J. M. (2020). Novas tendências na segmentação turística: um estudo sobre marketing territorial e turismo cinematográfico. Revista Gestão em Análise, 9(3), 159–174.
Publication in an international conference with CPCI or SCOPUS indexing
1. Almeida A., Correia P. (2020). When Economic Environment is Hostile: Entrepreneurial Intention in a Small Tourist Remote Economy in in Proceedings ICOTTS’20.
2. Barros, C. L., Sousa, B. B., & Fernandes, P. O. (2020). Encouraging Innovation And Relational Trends In Thermal Tourism: A Peninsular Northwest Perspective. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
3. Carvalho, A., Fernandes, J., & Moreira, V. (2020). The Economic Impact of Torre De Moncorvo’s Wine and Taste Festival. 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference. Espanha. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7.
4. Carvalho, A., Fernandes, J., & Moreira, V. (2020). The Importance of Cultural Events for the Promotion of the Territory: The Case Study of the Medieval Fair in Torre de Moncorvo. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. Colombia. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4260-6_3
5. Carvalho, A., Fernandes, J., & Moreira, V. (2020). Using Data Analytics to Understand Visitors Online Search Interests: The Case of Douro Museum. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. Colombia. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4260-6_4
6. Castanho, R., Couto, G., Pimentel, P., Carvalho, C., Sousa, Á., Loures, L., Lousada, S., Naranjo Gómez, J., Cabezas, J. (2020). Políticas públicas regionais e seus impactos no turismo. Um estudo comparativo das regiões autónomas dos açores e madeira baseado na avaliação das perceções públicas, in Proceedings 26th APDR Congress – Sustainable Management of the Sea for Sustainable Regional Development. ISBN: 978-989-8780-08-9.
7. Castro, C., Ferreira, F. A., & Nunes, P. (2021). Digital Technologies and Tourism as Drivers of Economic Growth in Europe and Central Asia. Em A. Abreu, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & J. C. Garcia Ojeda (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 341–350). Springer.
8. Correia, A. I., Nunes, A., Silva, G., Fernandes, P. O., Moreira, J., & Soares, L. A. (2021). Sport Tourism Event and Perceived Economic Impacts: The Case of World Bodyboard Championship 2018, Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 223–233). Springer.
9. Costa, E., Ferreira, F. A., Ribeiro, J., & Meneses, D. (2020). Actions and Strategies on Hotel Websites: Case Study Of 4- And 5- Star Hotels in Porto And Northern Portugal. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 13004–13012.
10. Costa, E., Ribeiro, J., & Santos, A. (2020). The Impact of Cross-Selling in Hospitality. Proceedings of 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management, 9790–9801. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0.
11. Cunha, C. R., Carvalho, A., Morais, E. P., & Navarro, B. J. (2020). Using Mobile Apps and a Digital Restaurant Menu to Promote Heritage in Rural Regions. 36th International Business Information Management Association Conference. Espanha. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7.
12. Dieguez, T., & Conceição, O. (2020). Innovative Destination Branding: “Porto.” Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 131–140). Springer.
13. Dieguez, T., & Conceição, O. (2020). Experiential Tourism and Experiential Marketing: An Innovative Approach. Em A. Abreu, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & J. C. Garcia Ojeda (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 550–559). Springer.
14. Dieguez, T., Ferreira, F. A., & Cabral, P. (2020). Influences and motivations of the North Portugal’s tourist regarding local accommodation. Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 4805–4816.
15. Eusébio, C., Teixeira, L., Moura, A., Kastenholz, E., & Carneiro, M. J. (2020). The Relevance of Internet as an Information Source on the Accessible Tourism Market. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 120–132). Springer.
16. Ferreira, A., Alén, E., Liberato, P., & Liberato, D. (2020). Literary Tourism: A Cultural Trip? Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 505–515). Springer.
17. Ferreira, F. A., & Castro, C. (2020a). Competitiveness of european tourism: A cluster. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research, 60–67.
18. Ferreira, F. A., & Castro, C. (2020b). Partial privatization in a quantity-price-setting mixed duopoly. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2293, 150003.
19. Ferreira, F. A., Campos, J., & Oliveira, M. (2020). The Buying Process On Hospitality Services And Its Implication To Loyalty Behaviour. Proceedings of 35th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 13377–13386.
20. Ferreira, F. A., Castro, C., & Gomes, A. S. (2020). Positive and Negative Social-Cultural, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Tourism on Residents. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 288–298). Springer.
21. Ferreira, F. A., Oliveira, M., & Miranda, M. (2020). Overcoming the Crisis Caused By COVID-19 And Its Post-Crisis Impact by Tourism in Portugal. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 13004–13012.
22. Ferreira, F., & Ferreira, F. A. (2020). Hotel competition under uncertain demand: Different objective functions. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research, 60–67.
23. Ferreira, J., & Sousa, B. (2020). Experiential Marketing as Leverage for Growth of Creative Tourism: A Co-creative Process. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 567–577). Springer.
24. Fonsêca, F. O., dos Santos, J. C., Vieira, L. V. L., & Ferreira, F. A. (2021). Pedagogical Tourism in National Parks: Relations Between Brazil and Portugal. Em A. Abreu, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & J. C. Garcia Ojeda (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 560–571). Springer.
25. Igreja, C. M., Sousa, B. B., & Fernandes, P. O. (2020). The Pandemic_Covid-19 And The Online Selling Process In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMES): A Preliminary Perspective. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
26. Liberato, D., Alén, E., Búa, P. R., & Liberato, P. (2020). Eurocity Chaves-Verín, Cross-border Tourism Experience in the Iberian Peninsula. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 655–668). Springer.
27. Liberato, D., Bernardo, V., Liberato, P., & Alén, E. (2020). Visit Motivation Influenced by Distribution Channels: The Case of Paiva Walkways. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 669–680). Springer.
28. Liberato, D., Carvalho, B., & Liberato, P. (2020). The Feedback Channels in a DMO: Case Study in Porto and North Tourism Association. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 119–130). Springer.
29. Liberato, D., Costa, E., Liberato, P., & Ribeiro, J. (2020). The Role of Events and Music Festivals in Urban Tourism: Case Study. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 537–549). Springer.
30. Liberato, D., Ferreira, F. A., & Azevedo, A. F. (2020). Landscape as a Tourism Resource: A Case Study in the Northern Region of Portugal. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 627–639). Springer.
31. Liberato, P., & Silva, A. (2020). The Tourism Impact on The Residents’ Life Quality – Case Study. Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 10565–10573.
32. Liberato, P., Liberato, D., Malheiro, M. A., & Sousa, B. B. (2020a). Global and Recent Trends in Halal Tourism. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
33. Liberato, P., Liberato, D., Malheiro, M. A., & Sousa, B. B. (2020b). Terrorism trends in tourism research. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges, 14877–14888.
34. Liberato, P., Mendes, T., & Liberato, D. (2020). Culinary Tourism and Food Trends. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 517–526). Springer.
35. Lopes, L., Nobre, J., & Castro, P. (2020). Perfil e segmentação de potenciais visitantes do Parque Natural Regional do Vale do Tua. XII International Tourism Congress 2020, 421-439.
36. Lopes, L., & Santos, L. (2020). Crisis Management in The Nonprofit Organizations – The Case of North Portugal on COVID-19. 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA). Granada, Spain. ISBN:978-0-9998551-5-7.
37. Lopes, M. C., Liberato, D., Alén, E., & Liberato, P. (2020). Social Tourism Development and the Population Ageing: Case Study in Portugal and Spain. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 527–536). Springer.
38. Lousada, S., Castanho, R., Teles, S., Moura, A., Gonçalves, L. (2020). O papel dos portos no turismo – caso de estudo do porto da ilha do Porto Santo, in Proceedings 26th APDR Congress – Sustainable Management of the Sea for Sustainable Regional Development. ISBN: 978-989-8780-08-9.
39. Malheiro, M. A., Sousa, B. B., Liberato, D., & Liberato, P. (2020). Sustainability In Hospitality: Trends and Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
40. Monteiro, C., Franco, M. & Meneses, R. (2020). The Impact of Co-Creation on Customer Revisit Intention of a Tourism Service, in Proceedings ICTR 2020 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research.
41. Rafael, C., & Cardoso, P. (2020) Pedagogical innovation through active learning practices using digital tools – A case study in tourism degrees, in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 3418-3425. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2020.
42. Ramalho, B., Silva, S., & Silva, C. (2020). Digital influencers: Possible roles in the promotion of tourist destinations. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research, 204–212.
43. Sá, J., Ferreira, L. P., Dieguez, T., Sá, J. C., & Silva, F. J. G. (2020). Role of the Industry 4.0 in the Wine Production and Enotourism Sectors. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 171–180). Springer.
44. Sampaio, H. A., Correia, A. I., Melo, C., Brazão, L., & Shehada, S. (2020). Analyzing Tourism Agents’ Perceptions of the Use of Artificial Intelligence. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 245–254). Springer.
45. Santos, S., Oliveira, M., & Silva, S. (2020). Expectations vs Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Luxury Hotels. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR), 260–267.
46. Silva, A.T.; Morgado, C.; Félix, N. Brandão, C. Lima, G.; Laranjeiro, C. & Guerra, M. (2020). Gastronomic potential and prings aiof new emulsions of vegetable origin. In: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies (EFOOD 2019). Bonacho, Pires & Lamy (Eds). 28-30 November 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
47. Silva, S. M., Sousa, B. B., & Ribeiro, J. L. (2020). Analyzing New Technologies in Motivation and Team Management: An Exploratory Contribution. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
48. Sousa, B. B., Malheiro, A., Liberato, P., & Liberato, D. (2020). Managing Market Segments with Environmental Concerns: Geotourism and Geodiversity. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
49. Sousa, B. B., Veloso, C. M., & Magueta, M. (2020). Green Marketing As An Instrument For Business Competitiveness: A Theoretical Contribution. 35th IBIMA Conference Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. 35th IBIMA Conference, Seville, Spain.
50. Sousa, B., Silva, A., & Malheiro, A. (2020). Differentiation and Market Loyalty: An Approach to Cultural Tourism in Northern Portugal. Em Á. Rocha, A. Abreu, J. V. de Carvalho, D. Liberato, E. A. González, & P. Liberato (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Smart Systems (pp. 681–690). Springer.
51. Taveira, F. F., Correia, A. I., Silva, G., & Pereira, J. (2020). The Potential of Nautical Tourism as a Strategic Product for Regional Tourism Development: The Case of Alto Minho and Esposende, Northwest Portugal. Em J. V. de Carvalho, Á. Rocha, P. Liberato, & A. Peña (Eds.), Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 234–244). Springer.
52. Valente, B., & Oliveira, M. (2020). The Marketing of Experiences Applied to Hotel Management – Study Case. Proceedings of 35th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 6414–6425. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-4-0.
Publication in an international conference
1. Afonso, B., Bettencourt, A. M. S., & Sampaio, H. T. P. A. G. (2020). Paletas na arte rupestre do noroeste de Portugal. Inventário preliminar. Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 – Estado da Questão, 645–658.
2. Amaro, S., Barroco, C. & Antunes, J. (2020). Erasmus Students as Destination Evangelists: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. EATSA Conference 2020 – Global Tourism: Connecting Insularities in Asia and Europe.
3. Barroco, C., Fonseca, P., & Amaro, S. (2020). Religious Site’s Use of Information and Communication Technologies. EATSA Conference 2020 – Global Tourism: Connecting Insularities in Asia and Europe.
4. Bigóis, L., Padilha, A. C., Antoni, V. L., & Souza, M. (2020) Critical factors of success and innovation in the first organic tourism route in Brazil, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 228-243. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
5. Cadavez, C. (2020). Novas fruições, novas responsabilidades – os museus em tempos AC/DC.. CEG-Turismo 2020. IGOT.
6. Caicedo, A., Santos, E., & Lima Santos, L. (2020) La competitividad de Guayaquil hacia el Bleisure Tourism, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 22-35. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
7. Calisto, M. & Sarkar. S. (2020). What is known about employees and innovation in the hotel industry? An integrative review and way forward. 20th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management Dublin (online) dezembro 2020.
8. Cardoso, P., & Pires, A. (2020) Emergency remote teaching: challenges and opportunities in foreign languages applied to tourism, in Proceedings Book of 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 8198-8204. ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1830.
9. Carvalho, A., Fernandes, J., & Moreira, V. (2020). Analysis of the economic impact of Torre de Moncorvo’s medieval fair for local development. International Tourism Congress – The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations. Madeira.
10. Carvalho, A., Santos, A., & Cunha, C. (2020). Using data analytics to understand visitors online search interests: the case of Douro Museum. International Tourism Congress – The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations.
11. Chaves, N., Amaro, S. & Barroco, C. (2020). Geotourists motivations, satisfaction and loyalty: The Case of Arouca UNESCO Geopark. T-FORUM. Algarve.
12. Correia, R., Carvalho, A., & Troca, A. (2020). The Potential of Food Tourism in the Portuguese Municipality of Mirandela. International Conference of Applied Business and Management 2020 -25th and 26th June 2020. Porto. Portugal.
13. Costa, A. & Caetano, F. (2020). MENU4ALL – Sistema de acesso a menus de restaurantes para invisuais. ICOTT’S 2020, Cartagena, Colômbia.
14. Coutinho, L. M., Bettencourt, A. M. S., & Sampaio, H. T. P. A. G. (2020). Equídeos gravados no curso inferior do Rio Mouro, Monção (NW Portugal). Análise preliminar. Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 – Estado da Questão, 631–644.
15. Daniel, A. & Fernandes, G. (2020). A Importância Económica do Turismo em Portugal e no Mundo e o Impacto COVID. XIX Encuentro AECA que se realizou nos días 17 e 18 de setembro, Guarda, Portugal. ISBN: 978-84-16286-73-7.
16. Duque, A. S. (2020) Sustentabilidade e Inovação: Estudo do destino turístico Águeda (Região Centro de Portugal), in Proceedings Book of 27th APDR Congress “Sustainable management of the sea for sustainable regional development”, 467-472. ISBN: 978-989-8780-08-9.
17. Elias-Almeida, A., Malheiros, C. & Lopes, M. S. (2020) Are alternative accommodations a threat to hotels in Portugal?, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 63-73. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
18. Esteves, E. & Cabeceiro, D. (2020). A animação e a permanência média nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros. ITC’20 Virtual Conference. Brasil.
19. Esteves, E. & Teixeira, R. (2020). A experiência turística dos praticantes de percursos pedestres. ITC’20 Virtual Conference. Brasil.
20. Felgueira, T., Alves, C. & Paiva, T. (2020). O Marketing no Setor Olivícola da Região de Montanha – Desenvolvimento Tecnológico de um Sistema de apoio à decisão de marketing. XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: cooperação transfronteiriça- desenvolvimento e coesão territorial. Bragança. ISBN: 978-972-745-273-6.
21. Fernandes, G., Fernandes, M. & Azevedo, P. (2020). Educação e Sustentabilidade na Atividade Turística. Estratégias e Contributos dos Programas Educativos de Interpretação do Território do Estrela Geopark. XII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa.
22. Fernandes, G., Natário, M., Braga, A. & Daniel, A. (2020). Despovoamento, Resiliência Social e Custos de Contexto nos Municípios de Fronteira do Centro de Portugal. Dicotomias de Reorganização Social vs Ausência de Políticas Públicas. XII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa.
23. Fernandes, J., Nogueira, S., & Pires, L. (2020). Are rural accommodation enterprises efficiently present online? 36th IBIMA Conference. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-5-7.
24. Ferreira, A., Alén, E., Liberato, D., & Liberato, P. (2020). Porto as a Literary Touristic Destination Based on Camilo Castelo Branco’s Literary Work. Em V. Katsoni & T. Spyriadis (Eds.), Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era (pp. 353–364). Springer International Publishing.
25. Gama, A., Antunes, A., Miranda, S., Machado, A., & Rocha, C. (2020). The role of senior universities in promotion of digital literacy: The Portuguese and Spanish seniors perspective. AGEING CONGRESS 2020. online/Leiria.
26. Guerra, T., Moreno Pacheco, M., & Almeida, A. S. A. (2020) Diferenciação do produto através da valorização do turismo industrial, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 319-330. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
27. Henriques, C., Amaro, S., Barroco, C & Antunes, J. (2020). Student motivations in choosing the country for Erasmus. JOCLAD 2020 – XXVII Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Classification and data Analysis.
28. Imamović, I., Azevedo, A. J. A., & Sousa, B. M. B. (2020). The urban sensescapes perception: The case study of Porto, Portugal. ICIEMC Proceedings, 111–119.
29. Leitão, I. (2020). A Madeira vista por Isabella de França: Itinerários Literários no Âmbito do Circuito Turístico, in: Proceedings of 11th International Tourism Congress 2019. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
30. Liberato, D., Liberato, P., & Silva, M. (2020). Shopping Tourism: Comparative Analysis of the Cities of Oporto and Lisbon as Shopping Destinations. Em V. Katsoni & T. Spyriadis (Eds.), Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era (pp. 365–379). Springer International Publishing.
31. Liberato, P., Coelho, J., & Liberato, D. (2020). Price Versus Service Assessment in Glamping. Em V. Katsoni & T. Spyriadis (Eds.), Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era (pp. 629–638). Springer International Publishing.
32. Machado, A., Gustavo, N., Rosário, J., Calisto, M.. (2020). Smart tourist attractions: a metric proposal. ITC20: XII International Tourism Congress: “The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations”. 27-28 outubro.
Marinho, D., Bettencourt, A. M. S., & Sampaio, H. T. P. A. G. (2020). Círculos segmentados gravados na Bacia do Rio Lima (Noroeste de Portugal): Contributos para o seu estudo. Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 – Estado da Questão, 613–629.
34. Martins, J. A., Lopes, R., & Roque, V. (2020). How Web 3.0 Tourism Students See the 1.0 Higher Education System. IGI Global. Handbook of Research on Social Media Applications for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1947-9.ch015.
35. Martins, R., Moral, A., & Schön, M. (2020) Repensar el marketing estratégico de la ciudad: Análisis del comportamiento de los portugueses seniors en el contexto del turismo de ciudad, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 291-301. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
36. Miranda, S, Machado, A. T. Antunes, A, & Gama, A. (2020). Age 2.0: motivations and brand engagement. 7th European Conference on Social Media. Larnaca, Cyprus.
37. Oliveira, F., & Gomes, C. (2020) The Tourism Distribution in Portugal and Spain: an approach to its performance evaluation, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 161-173. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
38. Paiva, A.; Runa, A., Seco, C., Mendes, E., Pereira, H., Paz, J., Morgado, L., Vieira, M. F., & Cardoso, P., (2020) “Suddenly we were all online”: perceptions and practices experienced by faculty and students during emergency teaching, in Short Paper Book of 11th EDEN Research Workshop: Enhacing the Human Experience of Learning of Technology, 83-88. ISBN: 978-615-5511-29-5.
39. Pãozinho, R., Lima Santos, L., Gomes, C., & Malheiros, C. (2020). Are hotel companies creditworthy? The case of Portuguese hospitality industry, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 267-280. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
40. Gonçalves, P., Antunes, J., & Barroco, C. (2020). Estudo das (des)motivações para a prática de Turismo em Espaço Rural: o caso da Região Centro de Portugal. ICOTTS’20 – The 2020 International Conference on Tourism, Technology & Systems.
41. Pereira. A., Pato, M. L. & Barroco, C. (2020). Women in the lead of Wine Tourism Management. ICABM2020 – The International Conference of Applied Business and Management. Porto.
42. Querol, A., Piniella, F., Sánchez, P., Rasero, JC., Fernández, LA, Sotomayor, S., Pérez, MC., Sales, D., Vargas, A., & Perna, F. (2020). ESPOmar Project: New passenger maritime transport system for the Gulf of Cádiz. (Preliminary Results), in Proceedings Book of 15th Marine Design International Conference.
43. Rafael, C., & Cardoso, P. (2020) Pedagogical Innovation Through Active Learning Practices Using Digital Tools – A Case Study in Tourism Degrees, in Proceedings Book of 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 3418-3425. ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.0967. .
44. Ramos, M. J., & Rodrigues, J. (2020). Mariana Alcoforado and the making of Beja as a literary tourism destination, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 408-413. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
45. Rodrigues, B., Abranja N. (2020). Tourism and Gastronomy: The palate gentrification. 5th Edition Regional Helix 2020 – International Conference on Regional Competitiveness, Tourism Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Funchal, 5 junho.
46. Rodrigues, B., Abranja N. (2020). Tourism, hospitality and catering: authenticity and commodification – The palate gentrification. 5th Edition Regional Helix 2020 – International Conference on Regional Competitiveness, Tourism Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Funchal, 5 junho.
47. Rolim, M., Malheiros, C., Gomes, C., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). Determinantes do TRevPAR, uma análise dos hotéis portugueses entre 2010 e 2017, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 244-253. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
48. Roque, V., Raposo, R., Roque, F., & Morais, S. (2020). The perception of Portuguese public higher education students regarding the institutional information provided about the transition to online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. ICERI2020 Conference. Sevilha. Espanha.
49. Rosário, J., Gustavo, N., Batista, M., Calisto, M., Machado, A. (2020). Are Lisbon Attractions smart looking for tourist perceptions? Ongoing Research. IFM2020-IV International Forum on Management – Organizations in the digital age – challenges for sustainability. 6 março. Lisboa
50. Sampaio, H. T. P. A. G., Bettencourt, A. M. S., Marinho, S., & Carvalhido, R. (2020). Conjugando recursos arqueológicos e naturais para potenciar as visitas ao Geoparque litoral de Viana do Castelo (Noroeste de Portugal). Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 – Estado da Questão, 189–202.
51. Silva, C., Lima Santos, L., Gomes, C., & Malheiros, C. (2020). Assessing the liquidity in Portuguese hotel companies, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 74-86, ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
52. Silva, F, Almeida, M. C. (2020). Inventário, classificação e gestão de recursos turísticos: o caso do canyoning. XI International Tourism Congress – The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations (ITC’19). Madeira, Universidade da Madeira. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
53. Soares, J. & Nunes, N. (2020). The Character and Uniqueness of Madeira’s, in Proceedings of 11th International Tourism Congress 2019. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
54. Soares, V., & Duque, A. S., & Pato, L. (2020) Sustentabilidade e Inovação: Estudo do destino turístico Águeda (Região Centro de Portugal), in Proceedings Book of 27th APDR Congress “Sustainable management of the sea for sustainable regional development”, 388-395. ISBN: 978-989-8780-08-9.
55. Sousa B., Pereira, H., Sequeira, C. (2020). Regional products and typical dishes in restaurants in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, in Proceedings of 11th International Tourism Congress 2019. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
56. Sousa, B., & Mota, L. (2020). Local products and gastronomy valuation for tourism and food sustainability in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, in Proceedings of 11th International Tourism Congress 2019. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
57. Sousa, B., & Pereira, B. (2020). Linguistic Choices in The Valorization of the Gastronomic Tourism in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. XII International Tourism Congress – The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations (Proceedings Book), 139–145.
58. Springwald, S., Jorge, J. P., Ramos, D., & Viana, A. S. (2020) Environmental Awareness of Surf Tourists: the case study of Peniche, Portugal, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 302-318. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
59. Tourita, Í., Gomes, C., Malheiros, C., & Lima Santos, L. (2020). Accounting for dissimilarities in hospitality costs among Portuguese regions, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 189-201. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
60. Veríssimo, J., Medeiros, C., Correia, M. R., Barros, J. Rosário, J. & David, A. (2020). Publicidade das marcas de saúde e beleza em Portugal: os apelos e os argumentos centrados nos valores da saúde. II Congreso Internacional de Estudios Culturales Interdisciplinares. Culturas locales, culturas globales. Madrid, Espanha: OMMPRESS.
61. Viana, A. S., Pais, S., Sousa, A. E., & Schön, M. (2020) Empregabilidade e Ensino Superior: o estudo de caso do mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira – ESTM, in Proceedings Book of 11th International Tourism Congress, 51-62. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.